Thursday, February 23, 2012

Protein+Veggie-Sugar = Crazy Bi@t#

Simple math people.  Protein + Veggie - Sugar = Craycray AND add the end of the term AND the fly by the seat of our pants decision to gut our master bedroom and bath AND that whole "we're only going to drink alcohol twice a month" DUMB decision and get this

My cravings are so cyclical <----- Duh! I'm a woman, WTF isn't cyclical.  When I first started to eat clean, it was semi easy to stick to the plan with proper planning because I felt so much better.  I learned pretty quickly that carb infested "fast food" type items made me feel horrible. But there are times I just want sugar, plain white sugar and at this time of the year preferrably in the form of Starburst Jellybeans in either Tropical, Crazy, or even Original.

Anyway......if you come across me staring at the 2 for $5 bags of these at Kroger, just walk on by, give me my moment.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentines Day Friends! I am not big on the manufactured holiday and believe you should always do little things to show those you love them how much you love them.  And I'm referring to actions not necessarily material things. But I do think the day is a nice guideline for the men and women out there that need a specified day to be sweet :)

Anyway it has been a few since I posted for two reasons.

One I have been busy trying to keep all the balls up in the air.

Two I was a little frustrated and was just putting one foot in front of the other on the diet front.

But I had my quarterly assessment at the gym on Sunday and realized I am making progress.  I gained 1.25 pounds of lean muscle and the physical fitness improvements I have made in the past year are phenomenal.  My resting heart rate went from 83 to 50! Most of my fitness tests were initially below average or well below average and are now well above average! We are also going to try a different focus for the next month - I am going to lay off all the cardio classes I love so much and focus on lifting and lifting heavy.  Lean muscle baby.

On the cooking front, I made a Clean Mexican Layer Dip based on this recipe and it was awesome! I made my own taco seasoning and the only change I would make would be to take out the lime in one of the layers because it was a little too salty.  And I love me some salt....... 

I also have played with clean chocolate chip cookies and really wasn't impressed. I'll keep experimenting and let you know if I find any that are worth it.

Right now I am really busy with school and we have made the decision to finally start our remodel in our master bedroom and bath so I imagine things are about to get insanely chaotic.  But since it is VD, I'll be least I'm get to do these things with my best friend and the love of my life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wine and Whine

No progress on the scale and intellectually I am okay with that.  I know what I have been eating and I know the amount of work I put in at the gym -- I am healthier that I have ever been.  I will not allow myself to be defined by the number on the scale.  I have scheduled an appointment with a family doctor to have a physical and bloodwork next week to ensure I have a functioning thyroid, my hormones aren't on the crazy train and to assure myself I am not doing all of this in vain.

Courtesy of Pinterest

That being said.

I AM FRUSTRATED!!!! I feel so much better without the processed foods, but I gotta admit I miss wine......I really miss wine.  To come home from work, sit down, drink a few glasses of my favorite red wine.......Snap Dragon, oh how I miss our quality time.  I miss prepping dinner with the radio on and a glass of Cabernet; the water with lemon simply doesn't compare. 

Courtesy of Pinterest

I can give up anything if it means I can look in the mirror and see physical progess, but come on! Give a girl a break! Why would I give up wine for nothing?  Of course, I am being fasicious but I am frustrated with my lack of progress.  I will weigh in tomorrow at the gym and report my total for my first month. I may still be a whiny ass like I am being now or I may have put on my big girl panties by then......stay tuned.